Phone: +234 8058 360 073; +234 8080 320 690 Email:


Who we are

Adejumobi T.T NIG LTD® also known as ATTNG® is a global ICT Company with over 5 years of experience which delivers complete software and hardware, IT solutions..

We adopt a clear, end-to-end approach based on defined objectives and parameters. you are closely involved and fully informed at every stage.

We provide of quality IT services that meet the needs of customers using hybrid solutions of people, process and information technology.
Our e-money services provide a leading financial service allowing the users to make instant payments and money transfers securely throughout the Internet opening unique opportunities to businesses.

At ATTNG, Our consultancy is more than result and recommendations.

Our consulting and managed services deliver the resources and capabilities required to assess, design, build and manage an agile, flexible IT environment.
We deliver all manner of services from installing and managing your on-site systems, to cloud and hybrid solutions.

At ATTNG, Our consultancy is more than result and recommendations.

At ATTNG ... we Bring Information Technology closer to you

we can help assess, design, build and manage an agile, flexible IT environment for most industry sectors worldwide

Our Partners

We provide IT solutions on leading technologies Vendor for the safety,
convenience and efficiency of your business.

At ATTNG ... we Bring Information Technology closer to you

we can help assess, design, build and manage an agile, flexible IT environment for most industry sectors worldwide